Are the relief of winter reaching the poor in Bangladesh? - SaraBela News


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Friday, January 19, 2018

Are the relief of winter reaching the poor in Bangladesh?

Are the relief of winter reaching the poor in Bangladesh?

Different areas of Bangladesh are now going to blow up the severe cold wave. There is a huge population of the country, including Dhaka, which is mostly poor, mostly poor.

Along with government initiatives, many organizations, individuals and groups have already taken initiatives to collect and distribute the trousers with the help of cold people.

But how are they collecting money or trousers? They are also asking whether the victims are getting help from all over the country.

Just one day before the temperature in the northernmost district of Panchagarh, Panchagarh dropped to below three degrees, which is the lowest in the last 50 years, according to the weather office.

Many people are living in pavements or open spaces in the cold winter frostbite cold in the country including Dhaka.

The collection and distribution of warm clothes are also seen in public private enterprise. But whether they are available in adequate quantities, the question remains.

A woman on the pavement in Magbazar in Dhaka said, "We are on the road and we are getting hurt.

Another said a few days ago some people distributed blankets, but many did not get it.

Although many areas have seen blankets and winter clothes distributed among the poor, the initiative of different individuals or organizations is being organized.

Similarly, Jahid Kabir Titu, an organizer of Dupa organization of former university organization of Dhaka University, told that they distributed blankets and warm clothes like two hundred families living in the pavement of Dhaka.

Outside the government initiative, the volunteer organization Bangladesh Student Council has completed preparations for large assistance in the northern region of the country.

Asked about how to collect money or trousers, the founding president of the organization, Ashekullah Sopan said they have taken donations in addition to raising money in areas where people are more likely to be in the crowd.

Asked about the distribution of money or wool to such organizations, the organization's general secretary Ragib Ahsan said they would give blanket to 15th of Roumari families in Kurigram.

According to the Meteorologists, throughout the month of January, the country will continue to remain cold in different degrees. Winter incidents are seen in northern districts outside of Dhaka.

But the people there do not get these help properly, they think that Tanvir Russell, who has been working with the charity organization for several years.

However, the help of all the victims is not reached or reached, in the face of blankets and blankets of vendors.

A seller of Karwanbazar, Dhaka, said, "Good sales are being sold, blankets, handmade, ear hats and golfer sweaters are those which we sell more."

The blanket and the winters sell the smiles as much as they are, just as poor poor people are getting upset.

Although the government has said that adequate assistance for the cold people has already been started in the field.

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