Who said that the brinjal is actually very good? - SaraBela News


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Friday, January 19, 2018

Who said that the brinjal is actually very good?

Who said that the brinjal is actually very good?

Burning green brinjal, eating a little molasses on empty stomach can reduce the incidence of malaria. The liver also keeps well.

There is no quality in his name. But the opposite is just the opposite. Eggplant If the brinjal is burnt, then gold is sohaga. Multiplicity

Pantavata, if it is bright, Sone with gold Soahaga There is a lot of tranquility, brag Multiplied Benefits of twin bundle. In 100 grams of brinjal, there are 0.8 grams of mineral, 1.3 grams of fiber, 42 kilocals, 1.8 grams of sugar, 2 grams of sugar, 28 milligrams of calcium, 0.9 milligrams of iron, 0.12 mg vitamin B1, 0. 08 mg vitamin B2, 5 mg Vitamin C

Experts say-

Burning green brinjal, eating a little molasses on empty stomach can reduce the incidence of malaria. The liver also keeps well.
Eating a little brinjal and mixing honey can help you sleep better at night.
If you drink a little bit of hing and garlic every day, you can reduce the gas problem.
Being high-fiber-rich vegetables, blood sugar and glucose control control the amount of bloodthirsty.
Cholesterol levels decrease brightly. Moreover, blood pressure is kept under control. Therefore, reducing the risk of heart disease is brutish.
Potassium, Vitamin E and K of the eggplants keep blood circulation normal.
Brinjal has Riboflavin. So, after the fever, the mouth and lips of the lips do not allow the blow and the tongue is absurd.

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