Some ways are simple to recognize authentic honey - SaraBela News


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Friday, January 19, 2018

Some ways are simple to recognize authentic honey

Some ways are simple to recognize authentic honey

If honey is bought, then everyone falls into danger. Because the fake honey market bosses. Since all the sweet looks are the same, what is the liability burden, which is fake. To know how to know the hive honey, you need to know some of the techniques, it is easy to recognize the real honey. But before identifying the original honey, you will recognize the fake honey.

Give one spoon of honey in a glass of water. Then slowly stir the glass. When the honey is mixed with water it will be ensured that it is soaked honey. And if the honey spreads in a glass of water like a small lump, then you can understand it is honey honey.

Foam is foam in honey. There will also be a little smell and the smell is not so good.

The fake honey is quite thin. Layers can be separated. Besides, it is not delicious to eat. Apart from this, the drainage is in dumps.

Take a little honey, watch the thickness of it. The real honey will be much more glue.

The authentic honey will drop below the glass while dropping. Then slowly stir the glass. When the honey is mixed with water it will be ensured that it is soaked honey. And if honey spreads in a glass of water like a small pimple, then it will be pure honey.

If the honey is not forged, then do not bind the honey down for a long time, but do not get an ant.

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